Flushing Remonstrance Inquiry
Compelling Question: What is the difference between religious tolerance and religious freedom?
Setting the Stage: Students read the following article and discuss religious tolerance vs. religious freedom in the modern era. Viewpoint: Religious freedom is not religious tolerance
Supporting Question #1: What motivated the inhabitants of Flushing to write a remonstrance to the director-general?
Featured Sources:
Article XIII from the Union of Utrecht
Ordinance Against Conventicles and Meetings Other than the Authorized Reformed Religion
Letter from Domines Megapolensis and Drisius
Formative Assessment #1: Create an annotated timeline of events leading up to the writing of the Flushing Remonstrance using information from the featured documents. For each item on the timeline explain how it led either directly or indirectly to the writing of the Flushing Remonstrance.
Supporting Question #2: What were the inhabitants of Flushing requesting from the government of New Netherland?
Featured Source #2:
Formative Assessment#2: Imagine you are an attorney representing the inhabitants of Flushing. Make a list of the main points stated in their argument to be presented before a judge.
Supporting Question #3: What events occurred as a direct result of the writing of the Flushing Remonstrance?
Featured Sources #3:
Formative Assessment #3: Create an annotated timeline of the events following the Flushing Remonstrance. In the annotation, make a note of whether the event reflects religious tolerance, religious freedom, or neither.
Summative Assessment: Students participate in a Socratic Seminar and discuss the ideas of religious tolerance and religious freedom as they relate to the Flushing Remonstrance.