Young boy at work
A young boy worker wearing a cap, oversized white shirt, and striped pants is standing in the sunlight at the edge of a large building. Circa 1912.
New York State Archives. Factory Investigating Commission. Glass plate negatives and photographic prints of factory and housing conditions. 1911-1912. A3029-78, Box 1, Folder 7.
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Laws of 1913, Chapter 529
An Act to amend the labor law, in relation to the employment of children under fourteen years old in or a factory, the definition of a factory, factory building and tenement house. The law prohibited the employment of children less than fourteen years of age in manufacturing work at factories or tenement houses. 1913.
New York State Archives, New York (State). Dept. of State. Bureau of Miscellaneous Records. Enrolled acts of the State Legislature. Series 13036-78, Laws of 1913, Chapter 529.
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Telegram from Mother Opposing the Child Labor Law
Telegram from Mrs. Oliver S. Chatfield to Governor Herbert Lehman, noting the opposition of Nassau County mothers to the proposed Child Labor Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, 1937. Chatfield defended the rights of parents to be free to make decisions about their children free of government interference, arguing that reports of exploitation of child labor were inaccurate and not a good enough reason for the government to get involved.
New York State Archives, New York (State). Governor (1933-1942 : Lehman). Central subject and correspondence files, 1933-1942. Series 13682-53, Box 16, Folder 4.
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Letter from WPA Teachers Union to Gov. Lehman
Letter from WPA Teachers Union to Governor Herbert Lehman, supporting the proposed Child Labor Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, 1937. The secretary, Morris Levine, praised Lehman for supporting its passage, arguing that child labor decreased wages for tradesmen and resulted in the stunted physical and educational growth of children. February 8, 1937.
New York State Archives, New York (State). Governor (1933-1942 : Lehman). Central subject and correspondence files, 1933-1942. Series 13682-53, Box 16, Folder 4.
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Brief submitted to NYS Supreme Court Appellate Division by Factory Investigating Commission
Page 5 of amicus brief submitted by the Factory Investigating Commission to the Supreme Court Appellate Division, Second Department. This brief dealt specifically with tenement work and supported the prohibition against employing children under the age of 14. 1914.
New York State Archives, New York (State). Factory Investigating Commission. Proofs of brief supporting the conviction of Jacob Balofsky, 1914. Series A3024-77, Box 1, Folder 1.
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Men's underwear factory: water closets
Two girls stand in the vicinity of the toilets at Union Mills, a men's underwear factory on Fulton St. in Hudson, New York. At the right are the doors to the toilets, which an investigator described as "filthy, foul-smelling water closets." The investigator also noted that "the young girl in the cage at the left works within five feet of these closets all day." 1912.
New York State Archives. Factory Investigating Commission. Glass plate negatives and photographic prints of factory and housing conditions. 1911-1912. A3029-78, Box 4, Folder 4.
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