Resolution adopted on November 21, 2007

  1. Board members are responsible for making sure the Trust is well managed. They see themselves as facilitators for the Trust, providing support to the executive officer, staff, and other Board members. They are open to working with other people, respectful of new ideas, willing to take reasonable risks, and expect accountability of the executive officer. 
  2. Board members are responsible for helping to create and maintain the Trust's identity including developing and supporting its mission, making decisions about program directions, and taking part in long-range planning. Board members are willing to commit themselves to the work of the Board, are familiar with the Trust's Bylaws and Statue, and are willing to read the Trust's materials, ask questions, make suggestions, and express opinions.
  3. Board members are willing to attend Board and committee meetings and actively participate. The full Board meets three times a year: October (New York City), March and June (Albany). As a matter of convenience, Board members may participate in Committee, and the Major Gift subcommittee meet on an as-needed basis. The Investment Committee meets quarterly.
  4. Board members are responsible for raising funds for the Trust. While a portion of the fundraising work may be given over to the staff, the Board is responsible for supporting them in these efforts and for ensuring that endowment and project funding is raised. Each Board member is expected to make a personal contribution to the Annual Appeal. One hundred percent of the Board needs to support the work of the organization financially in order to give credibility for asking the community to give. Every Board member does not have to contribute at the same level; some may be able to give more than others. Besides making a personal contribution to the Annual Appeal, Board members may individually raise additional funds from others. Each Board member must also be willing to participate in fundraising activities that may include, but are not limited to, identifying, cultivating, and soliciting foundation, corporate, and individual prospects, as well as attending special events.
  5. Board members are legally responsible for ensuring that money is being raised and spent in a responsible manner. Board members will approve a budget that they fully understand and review income and expenses on a regular basis. This is done through financial reports that are prepared by staff and reviewed and discussed at each Board meeting. The Trust budget is prepared annually by staff in consultation with the Board chair and presented to the full Board at the January meeting for review and for final discussion and passage at the March meeting. The Board is responsible for ensuring that the Trust has an annual audit prepared by a certified public accounting firm. The Audit Committee reviews the annual audit and recommends approval to the full Board. The annual audit is then presented for Board review and acceptance at the September meeting.
  6. Each Board member brings a special talent, skill, knowledge, contact or other contribution to the work of the Board. This can include experience in the community being served, extensive board experience, energy and enthusiasm for the work of the Trust, development of technical skills such as legal or public relations know-how, or state government and/or legislative experience.