Use these resources to begin your research into education policy:
Historical Overview
"Federal Education Policy and the States, 1945-2009"
Key federal legislative and administrative figures in education policy, organized by presidential administration, with major education initiatives linking to related archival collections.
Conference 2008
“The States' Impact on Federal Education Policy: New Perspectives on Research and the Historical Record.” Read the proceedings, including papers and transcripts of presentations, discussions, and Q&A sessions featuring leading scholars and education policy practitioners.
Introductory bibliography to federal education policy, with emphasis on the role of the states.
Digitized documents
Full text of selected laws, court decisions, reports, and other key documents. Now includes the original and all reauthorizations of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).
Key developments in state and federal education policy since the 1940s.
Key topics
Key topics within education policy.
Topical guides
Brief introductory guides to five of the central topics in state-federal education policy. Each includes a brief historical note and a selected bibliography