Capital Region Teacher Training

In January of 2020, teachers from across the Capital Region met at the Schenectady County Historical Society to learn how to find local primary sources and incorporate them into their classroom curriculum. Librarian, Marietta Carr, introduced the educators to the collections held at the historical society. Dr. Kristi Fragnoli provided guidance in selecting appropriate primary sources and brainstorming lesson ideas. A generous grant from the Bender Family Foundation funded this two-part workshop and the lesson creation. The results of this teacher training are the lessons on this page. 

Bounty Hunter's Agreement
Treatment of the Enslaved
Manumission of Yat
Community Change and the Erie Canal

Child Labor
Women in WWII
Letters Home: Reading for Tone
Taking A Stand: The General Electric and American Locomotive Strikes

Governing New Netherland
World War II Victory Mail